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■The significance of grinding coffee beans with a stone mill is to create coffee that is 'mellow' and 'complex with subtle fluctuations■

In handling coffee beans, it is said that after roasting the green beans, managing the passage of time is the most important aspect

The conditions for the worst coffee are beans that have been ground long after roasting, stored as powder, brewed, and then kept warm for an extended period

Delicious coffee is made from beans that have been freshly roasted, ground in the necessary amount, brewed, and served immediately

A stone mill can easily grind coffee for just one person, and it allows you to freely adjust the grind size. It produces no heat and will never break down

It may seem like an expensive purchase, but when considered as a tool rather than a machine, the attachment that develops over years of use, along with the mastery and sense of stability you gain, is incomparable to other mills

Please enjoy freshly ground coffee from a stone mill that is 'mellow and complex

【Green Coffee Beans】

There are many varieties of green coffee beans, depending on the type and region of origin.

These beans vary widely, ranging from those with a distinctive acidity to those that emphasize bitterness and richness.

Additionally, since coffee beans are natural agricultural products, there are variations in size, and the moisture content naturally varies as well.

Furthermore, as I will explain later, the characteristics of green beans are not always directly reflected in the final cup of coffee, as the roasting and brewing processes, as well as the equipment used, can influence the outcome.

【commercial coffee roaster】

【Automatic Coffee Roaster】

【manual coffee roaster】

There are various types of coffee roasters, ranging from large machines used in coffee bean shops to fully automatic roasters that handle everything from setting the parameters to the completion of the roast, and even simple roasters that allow you to roast based on your own senses.

Additionally, there are other methods such as using handheld ceramic roasters or metal mesh pans typically used for roasting chestnuts.

【An electric grinder with adjustable grind settings.】

【Standard electric grinder】

【Stone mill grinder】

Coffee mills used to grind roasted coffee beans into powder are typically electric, and their internal mechanisms vary, including propeller blades, burrs, and stone mills.

These mills can be set to grind coffee from coarse to fine, producing consistent grounds, and in recent years, some models have evolved to offer over 20 different grind settings.

Stone mill coffee grinders have also gained attention, but they do not allow for adjustable grind settings, and achieving uniformity in the grind is not possible.

【Espresso machine】


Hand Drip (Paper, Cloth, Ceramic)】

There are various methods, such as using an espresso machine that quickly extracts coffee with steam pressure at the end, a press-type method using tea-making equipment, or a drip method where hot water is poured slowly from above to control the coffee extraction. Each method results in a distinctly different type of coffee.

【Coffee ground with a stone mill tastes better】

Starting with the selection of green beans, followed by the roasting equipment, grinder, and brewing tools, each element has its own unique characteristics. When you consider that a single cup of coffee is the result of various combinations of these elements, using a stone mill for just one part of the process, like grinding, is unlikely to have a significant impact on the overall taste.

Moreover, compared to an electric grinder, a stone mill cannot maintain uniform particle size, which means that, strictly speaking, the reproducibility of the flavor is lower.

Baristas often emphasize the importance of grinding coffee beans in a way that suits the beans, and they might dismiss coffee ground with a stone mill as out of the question. However, coffee made with care and love has a mellow flavor, offering a completely different value from that of coffee judged in contests.

【Nevertheless, there is meaning in grinding with a stone mill?there is value in the tradition and craftsmanship that cannot be found in industrial products.】

Grinding beans with a stone mill is an age-old method, a technique that has largely been lost in modern times. However, enjoying the process of grinding and appreciating the ritual itself adds a richness to the experience of drinking coffee.

【Coffee Brewed with Freshly Ground Beans - Custom Grinder】

You can grind just enough for one serving at a time, completely preventing the coffee grounds from oxidizing and deteriorating. In a small cafe, you can grind the beans fresh for each order.

【Performance with a Stone Mill】

The dry crackling sound of coffee beans breaking and the spreading aroma are advantages in terms of performance.

While machines simply require the push of a button, allowing for other tasks to be done, the careful act of grinding with a stone mill allows the provider to showcase their dedication to the craft.

Using a stone mill fills the entire space with the subtle sound of the beans being ground and the spreading fragrance of coffee.

【Noise reduction in electric grinders】

The sudden noise of an electric grinder echoing through a carefully designed quiet cafe space.

I've experienced this many times, finding myself involuntarily turning my head.

I understand that they are grinding coffee beans in bulk because they’ve run out of ground coffee, but the prolonged sound of the grinder is nothing but noise.

While grinding with a stone mill also produces sound, it is soft and gentle, and does not disrupt the cafe's atmosphere.


When grinding coffee beans with a stone mill, the low friction heat means that the beans' flavor and aroma are less likely to be compromised.

As the beans are ground, a subtle sound and the fragrance of coffee gradually fill the entire space.

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【Comparison Between Electric Grinders and Stone Mills as Machines】

An electric grinder needs to be placed near an outlet, and if it’s far away, you’ll need to use an extension cord.

In contrast, a stone mill does not have location restrictions due to being manual (though it weighs about 20kg, it won't damage a typical table).

With an electric grinder, you simply press a button and wait for the coffee to be ground.

With a stone mill, you must continuously turn the upper millstone until you’ve ground the desired amount.

Electric grinders allow you to finely adjust the grind size using a dial or similar mechanism (high-end models can be adjusted in 40 increments).)

With a stone mill, you control the grind by adjusting the amount of beans fed into the hole with your left hand, but achieving uniformity is impossible (the resulting grounds are uneven).

According to coffee experts, it is unacceptable not to have uniform grounds if you want to bring out the full potential of the coffee beans.

For maintenance, an electric grinder requires disassembling, cleaning the parts that come into contact with the beans, and reassembling them.

For a stone mill, you remove the upper millstone for cleaning, and then place it back on.

If an electric grinder breaks, you either send it to the manufacturer for repair or replace it.

A stone mill doesn’t break down.

An electric grinder has a complex structure, and of course, the number of parts is not listed in the catalog.

A stone mill has a simple structure, with only four components: the upper millstone, the lower millstone, the handle, and the brush for collecting the grounds.

The lifespan of an electric grinder might be several decades. A stone mill, made from hard granite, lasts over 100 years.

(The oils in coffee act as a lubricant, helping to prevent wear on the stone.)